Thank you for your continued prayers for Pastor Tony & Mary Asang. Mary’s condition grew worse and she had to be hospitalized. God answered your prayers and raised up a dear Brother in Christ who gave generously to cover her medical expenses and also medical care for Tony. Mary is now home from the hospital but has no desire to travel to Manila for further tests or treatment. Instead she is trusting God to complete His healing work in her body. Please continue to lift both Tony & Mary Asang to the Lord for a total healing. Also please be praying for their son Pastor Albert, our Philippines Director, who has injured his foot and is unable to walk on it until the pain and swelling go down.
We also ask your prayers for an opportunity to plant a new church in the town of Butuan in northern Mindanao. There is a piece of property including a house that we can purchase for $700 that would be a perfect location for a church. A pioneering pastor is already reaching out to the neighborhood and souls are responding to the Gospel. Please pray that the funds will come in quickly to take advantage of this open door of ministry. We thank you in advance for your prayers. Blessings!
Howard & Barbara Gard